Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Happy Easter!

We all had a wonderful Easter. Good Friday I had a party for the kids with an egg hunt and lots of crafts and activities. Lilly enjoyed wearing her bunny ears all day as you can see. She was very into Easter this year. Finding the eggs and then eating the candy was her favorite I think. She really liked the eggs filled with Goldfish crackers. Lilly has really grown recently. She's much taller and is talking like crazy. I can't believe my little baby is making sentences. The other day she asked us "Where did Cove go?" It was no longer "Where Cove go?" Cove is a little boy she plays with on Tuesday nights while we work out. I think she is ready to get stuff unpacked (as are mommy and daddy) but we still haven't gotten in our new house yet. Please pray we get to this week. Everything has been packed for over a month now!
Happy Easter from Lilly!

Ben and Lilly act more like siblings everytime they see each other. They bicker and love playing with each other at the same time. It's been quite interesting (and frustrating!). It will be interesting when two more get added to the mix.