Saturday, September 23, 2006

Lilly says mama!

So not too many things to report....ok,ok, you're probably thinking, Lilly saying "mama" isnt much to report? :P You're right! I was in the car and Lilly is blabbering and then clear as day she says mama. She stops, then starts blabbering and says it again! She hasn't said it since no matter how hard Logan tried to get her to say it. So we've been dealing with teething and it is no fun. There really hasnt been too much else going on but I'll post some pictures for you! Top left is when we went swimming and the bottom right is a sneak peek of her Halloween costume!


Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

Okay, she is so adorable. And I'm so glad I found the link to your blog! I wish you weren't so far away, it's been so long since I've seen you and your daughter is so beautiful. -Denise

Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

Okay, I just now got a chance to watch the 3 videos you have on she's adorable! I LOVE the one of her rolling over! Isn't it funny how such a little thing can be so exciting!

by the way my blog address is
