So Lilly is walking a lot now. I'd say probably 90-95% walking and 5% crawling. It's so cute to watch her walk because she's so little. We got her 1 year old pictures taken at JC Penney last night and we didn't get in there for about 30 minutes so Lilly and I just walked around and around the store outside the portrait studio. I was quite bored after the 5th time but Lilly loved it. Walking has also brought on some other things, like her thinking that she's a big kid and should sit at the table with all the other kids. It has also brought a little monkey out of her. She's climbing on everything! I have to keep the chairs on top of the table or I will find her sitting on top of the table! She also has 6 teeth now. The top four middle ones and two bottom ones. She isn't eating any baby food now but wants maccoroni and cheese for every meal. Or anything else that mom and dad are eating. She actually is a very good eater and some days I feel like all she does is eat, sleep, and poop. Now I vaguely remember that she was supposed to grow out of that stage by now... Sometimes I think her eating so much isn't normal but I guess she just has a fast metabolism. She has grown quite a bit but is still small for her age. We are guessing she weighs around 18 lbs and at her last doc's appointment she was 27 inches long.
This picture is just for proof, that yes, she does have hair!! :) So let me tell you a little bit about her personality cause it is coming out very loud and vibrant! She loves attention. We go to the mall and she just waves and smiles and says hi. Tons of people stop or smile. She is very sociable. She also has a sense of humor. She tries to make people laugh and if you laugh she'll repeat what she did. Her favorite thing to do to get me to laugh is to blow a raspberry on my shoulder. At her pictures she had the whole studio cracking up. She has also started to protest and throw little fits. It's interesting to see a temper develop. She's still very easy going though and very happy. Her grumpy moods are really not that bad. Well I hope you enjoyed the update and the pictures. I promise to post more stuff within the next week or so. :)
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