Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Officially entering Toddlerville!

Lilly has decided she is a toddler and has gone into it full force. As the kids at daycare are now mostly potty trained, Lilly has become completely interested in the whole thing. She wants to sit on it all the time. She has actually gone peepee a couple of times but I can't decide if it was on accident or not. It is still very early to try and potty train, but it's still fun to let her try! This was her first time on the big potty.

For Labor Day weekend the Freeman and Garland family headed off to Payson for a camping adventure. Ben and Lilly had a blast. They loved playing outdoors the whole time. I was a little worried about how Lilly was going to do but she did great. We just had to drive around for 2 hours each day so they could get theirs naps. Here are a few of the great great pictures I took. Also, if you'd like to check out some more pictures, please go to

Lilly has really started to have a personality. She also has a favortie color, yellow, and loves to say it and belly button over and over again. Usually she says something like yellow bellybelly button and then pulls up her shirt and points to her tummy. It's very cute. For some reason she must think her belly button is yellow! Since I taught her what color yellow was she has wanted everything yellow. She had a yellow chair for camping and a yellow carebear. Her favorite book is "Biscuit," about a yellow dog that says "Woof Woof." I think she likes it so much because she can say most of the words in the book and point them out too. I'm amazed by all the words she can say. She is also repeating a lot of things. I'll be in the middle of a story and she'll repeat something that I said. One thing that has just driven me nuts and is costing a lot of money is that she is a bottomless pit. She constantly wants to eat. At lunch last week she ate 5 hot dogs. 5!! I couldn't believe it. That wasn't all that she had either. She loves yogurt and would probably eat 2-3 individual containers. I am always running out of ideas for things to feed her and she gets frustrated too. She has gained quite a bit of weight. The doctor was surprised again when we took her in last week for an ear infection. She had gained another pound in a month. I guess she is still playing catch up from not gaining anything for awhile. I'm starting to think that she just has my dad's metabolism cause she is still petite and eats more than I could. Maybe she'll be tall too.
Lilly is very big on saying hi and bye right now so we tried to capture some of that on video. Hopefully I can get it edited and uploaded soon. Hope you enjoy!

Lilly saying hi and bye

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Unknown said...

LOVE the toilet picture! She'll be going potty before she's 2, that's for sure! You were only 15 months.
Grandma B

Unknown said...

The camping pictures make me want babies again...hahaha....

Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

Awww! I love the new pictures!!!!

Oh and tell Lilly that my favorite color is yellow too!!!

You'll have to keep us updated on the potty training thing - just think if you get her potty trained you can use the diaper money to pay for all the food she wants to eat!

Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

OH my word! The video is priceless! She's so wonderful!

Gene said...

This little cutie is really growing up fast. Looks like her and Ben are best buddies, they are both so cute. Looks to me she enjoys the water also.

Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

You know what just occurred to me? Someday your beautiful daughter is going to KILL you for that first picture - especially when she finds out it got posted on the internet for all the world to see!

Amy Beaty said...

My little niece is growing up so fast! She's so cute. You can see her personality showing through in the pictures!