Monday, June 09, 2008

Pacifier Free!

So I know it has been a long time since I've posted and I do apologize. Life seems to have gotten away from us! We have officially moved and now live in our very own house. It is wierd to think we have bought a house sometimes. Lilly loves the new house and had no trouble adjusting. She loves her new room. We made sure to get it painted and prepared first so that way when she came to the house (Aunt Pam and Uncle Brian were watching her the whole weekend we moved) she would have her own little place. She especially likes the reading corner. So there are many things I could update about Lilly but I don't think I have the time or the space! She is quite the talker. She forms complete sentences for the most part. Her favorite sentence right now is "I want some too." This is usually said when Mommy and Daddy are having something they haven't shared yet.
Over this last weekend we finally decided to wean her off the pacifier. I had a hard time with it. I think part of me was sad to see it go. The first night I was happy I was gone. Daddy said she cried for about 20 minutes. He would go in there and try to comfort her every 5-10 minutes or so. The second time he went in he had cut the tip of the pacifier off and told her it was broken. She didn't even want to take but still cried for awhile. The second night she cried for about 10 minutes. Every night we've talked to her and tried to reason with her. We would tell her "Sweetie, bebe (what she calls it) is broken. You're a big girl now and you don't need it anymore." Sunday night Daddy told her that and she called for it and then he said, "Lilly will you try to go to sleep for Daddy?" and she reached for her bed and didn't cry at all. Naps have been a completely different story. She will cry and cry and hasn't really taken a nap yet. I was a little worried about naptime Monday with the other kids but I guess peer pressure helped that! She does tend to lay in her crib and sing for 30-45 minutes until I intervene but no crying!
We have also celebrated Lilly's 2 year birthday! She had a blast and we had a "princess party." She dressed up and recieved a swing set for her birthday. I think she enjoyed turning two! I dressed up with my tiara from my wedding and the guys got crowns from Burger King.
We have also been hiking and have gone camping. Both of which Lilly loves, as do her Mommy and Daddy. I thought you would enjoy these pictures!


The Handyman and the Foreman said...

Love the update! Granted, I knew what was going on ;) but glad to see the pics on the blog.

Gene said...

Good for you Melanie to take time and update things for us a bit. Sure helps when we live so far away and can't be there to enjoy our sweet great granddaughter. She is beauitful as ever. Looks like you and Logan have had alot on your plates with the new home and all. Thanks again for the update. Love ya. Grandpa & Lois