Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas 2009

So Christmas this year was a blast. Lilly was soooo into everything. I think the "elf" made the biggest impact. See, everyday we were "visited" by the elf who left a present behind. So she got to open a present everyday in Decemeber before Christmas. She still talks about the elf and how it left her presents. Early on in the Christmas season we took Lilly to Toy R Us to see what she was interested in. I was thinking of a tricycle but she didnt seem interested at all. We finally decided on some Fisher Price Little People's castle and princess set. So Black Friday I found the stuff on sale and got it and was so excited that my shopping was done for Lilly. About 2-3 weeks later we all ended up at Toy R Us again to shop for some toys for the Angel Tree kids we took. Lilly spent at least 45 minutes riding a tricycle and ends up telling us that she is going to ask Santa Clause for a bicycle. Over and over again she tells us she wants a bicycle for Christmas. Well we cant very well not get her the gift she asked Santa for the very first year she understands who Santa is and what he does! So she ended up getting a bicycle from Santa and got very spoiled this year. I dont think she minded a bit. 
All of Lilly's loot. She was too excited to sit there and take a picture. Lol.
On Christmas Eve, Lilly totally knew what was going on. Every Christmas Eve the elf brings us new Christmas pjs. When she got hers and we put them on, she was so excited and kept running around yelling "Whoohooo!!" She would run up and down the hall and then get to the livingroom and roll around on the ground. We tried to catch some of it on video. I truly enjoyed Christmas this year. We also had my mom here and her parents came to visit over Christmas as well. So it was a full fun house. I really enjoyed my grandparents visiting. I hadnt spent time with them since early highschool. Lilly enjoyed everyone here as well but she didnt handle the goodbyes very well. My grandma Betty and Uncle Jerry were also in town staying with Pam and Brian. She really enjoyed their visit as well and was sad to see them go. So here are some pictures. I hope you enjoy them!
Lilly asleep before we woke her up Christmas morning. 
Lilly and Mommy got new aprons from the elf. Now Lilly always wants to bake but she calls everything cake! 
Lilly saying thank you to Grandpa Gene and Lois for thier present.
Lilly reading Grandpa Jim's present! 
Lilly's new castle!
Christmas with the Freemans! 
All of us dressed up on Christmas Sunday. Lilly absolutely loved her dress.


Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

wow she's so big now! And looks beautiful in her Christmas dress! I can't believe how fast she is growing up! I'm glad you posted new pics!


Gene said...

We will just tell you that we think we have a very beautiful and sweet great granddaughter. Looks like we didn't need to be there to help spoil her though. Really such good pictures of the whole family.

Grandpa & Lois

Anonymous said...

and Grandma B very much enjoyed being here to help celebrate Christmas with Lilly and "family"

Anonymous said...

Sure enjoyed the pics of your Christmas celebrations. All the pics are so good. Just wonderful to watch our beautiful Lilly grow.
Aunt Sarretta