Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Its Christmas time!

Hello everyone. I can't believe it was Easter last time I posted. For those of you who do not have facebook- I do a much better posting pictures on Facebook. Sorry! So life has been going well around here. Lilly is getting very excited for Christmas. And then her looonng trip after Christmas- we are driving to MO the day after Christmas and are trying to prepare her for how long she will be in the car.

This is a picture from the day of decorating for Christmas. Lilly got a pink Christmas tree for her room. This is how she went to bed- her santa hat on, snuggling with her Rudolph, and all my musical snowmen lined up viewing the pink Christmas tree.
So last year I thought Lilly was a blast at Christmas but I think this year will be even more fun. She is very into the spirit of things. When I was a little girl, we had a countdown to Christmas called the "elf." Each day the elf would bring us candy or a small gift. We have passed on this tradition and I now do a countdown. Lilly loves it. It brings me such joy to have her talk about the elf being fast and how Papa and Nana have seen him blur by. A couple nights ago she got a race car track from the elf. She was soooo excited to get a present that I was a little worried she would be disappointed the next night when all she got was candy but nope! She loved it just as much!
Here is a picture of her and her friend decorating a ginger bread house last Saturday. They had so much fun. All I did was put it together and put the icing where they wanted it.
Each year we have gone to our local zoo at Christmas to view the Christmas lights they hang all over the zoo. They give out cookies and hot cocoa and you can go see Santa too. It's usually very cold out and just helps me feel like it is actually Christmas when it is sometimes hard for me to feel it because of the weather.

1 comment:

Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

Oh she's getting so big! And prettier every day! love the gingerbread pic!