Friday, August 11, 2006

Dearest Lilly at three months

Wow what a month this has been. You've gone from this big pile of gooeyness to this alert wide eyed sponge that soaks up everything. You have started to watch tv with me and read out for toys and you've even rolled over. I had more butterflies in my stomach watching you roll over than I did on my wedding day. You have started to study my face and mimic my expressions. Daddy has taught you how to raise your eyebrows. I'm not sure what expressions you've gotten from me but the day you roll your eyes will be a happy day for me. I will then know that yes you do have some of me in you. Everyone keeps saying how much you look like Daddy but I just want you to look a little like me too. Is that too much to ask you for? You do have Daddy's laid back attitude and personality and for that I am VERY thankful. You are so happy all the time. God has really blessed us with a happy, cheerful baby. I know that most people oh and ah over babies but I personally think you are special; unique. You catch people's eyes all over the place, when we're shopping, eating, or even at the crowded airport. You make eye contact with other people and give them a great big smile no matter who they are. I have had so many interesting conversations with people because of you. Lilly, you are a true joy to me. I thank God daily for such a happy healthy baby. I never knew how much my heart could love until you came along. Thank you Lilly for being the baby you are. I love you. Happy 3 months old!


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