Saturday, August 19, 2006

Giggles and Thumb sucking

Lilly has officially started to giggle. So far Logan can provoke the most giggles and it's usually when he's giving her a bath. I've heard her giggle twice. The first time was in the mall when Logan was playing a game with her. The second time was when all I had to do was roll over and look at her after waking up in the morning! Logan can get her to giggle when he washes behind her ears and kisses her neck. It's so cute and we keep trying to get her to do it more and show other people but so far no one has heard it yet. She is also sucking her thumb. Sometimes she wants her pacifier and sometimes her thumb. If we give her the pacifier and she doesn't want it, she scrunches her face all up and spits it out and then sticks her thumb in her mouth. She looks at me like "DUH mom, I want my thumb not that stupid plastic thing you keep shoving in my mouth, don't you know any better?" So now when she sleeps we her slurp slurp slurp. We put her to bed one night and we kept hearing this sound and we were wondering what it was. Finally it dawned on us that it was her sucking noise coming across the baby monitor!

Lilly has totally been grumpy these past few days so in any of my free time I've been holding her as much as possible. Tara came to visit so this whole past week has been shopping and sight seeing. Plus Matt was here the week before. So, needless to say Lilly has spent a lot of time in her carseat. We do have some fun play times though. Even with the grumpiness she is still a happy baby with lots of grins and gurgles. She's started to try a say "k" and "d" sounds now. Logan was changing her one night and came in all proud and told us that she said the word "Ikea" and so for the next half hour we're all staring at Lilly trying to get her to say it again. :) Most of the time I can't make out what she's saying because of all the slobber, but it's stil so darn cute!

Pic: Doesn't she look cute in her dress Aunt Tara and Uncle Chris got her? She's finally able to wear some new clothes!

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