Sunday, December 03, 2006

Update! Update! Read all about it!

(I'd like to post more pics but blogger is being dumb so for right now this is all you get. I promise to add more later...)

I'm sorry I haven't been on here to keep everyone updated. I feel like I went on vacation and everything was a whirlwind after that. Speaking of vacation, many of you know how rough it was. For those of you who don't, let me put it this way: NEVER never never EVER go on a ten day vacation without Daddy with a 6 month old. It was horribly stressful and probably one of the toughest times I've ever gone through, including my last semester of college. Lilly wouldn't sleep so I would get roughly 3-4 hours of sleep a night. Some nights were better but I honestly think that I was only able to have one night where I got around 6 hours of sleep and that was because Grandma took her from me and babysat while I tried to sleep.

Things really didn't get much better after I got back. Lilly has really created a strong attachment to me now thus creating this clingy little baby who cries if her mommy is farther than 5 feet away. Logan and I have struggled with her sleeping habits and her attachment to him. We have since then moved Lilly downstairs into her own room, in her own crib. Yes yes, Mommy is growing up! :) It was hard but very needed. We also decided to let Lilly cry herself back to sleep at night instead of me waking up to either give her a pacifier, nurse her, or whatever else would work. I felt so guilty that first night but wow! what a world of difference it has made. Lilly is sleeping entirely on her own and we can tell she's much more rested and I can tell that I'm not waking up 3-4 times a night. She's becoming more independent every day when it comes to sleeping. Tonight I wanted to rock her for awhile but she wouldn't have it so I laid her down and she grabbed her Tigger and snuggled up with it and kind of looked at me like, "Come on Mom! I want to go sleep her. Leave please!"

We have also gone through the first cold of Lilly's life. Then after the cold had subsided a bit I noticed fluid coming from her ear so I took her to the doctor and found out she had infections in BOTH ears. Poor poor little baby. And poor poor Mommy and Daddy. :) We suffered too let me tell you! We have had one little grumpy baby the past few weeks. Finally on Wednesday I started seeing glimpses of my happy little girl again. I was so overcome by joy! She's back to giggling and smiling. Yah! Tonight she actually played by herself and with Daddy while Mommy was in the other room for a full hour! I was starting to think that would never be possible. hehe.

And although all of this has been going on and it may all seem negative, I am still greatly enjoying being a mom. I have long days, especially this week because I started working full time at a home day care. I do love it and like being able to still be with Lilly all day but it is taking a lot out of me. But those long days, have glorious nights and I am reminded by how wonderful it is to have a little girl who wants to love on and cuddle with me.

Lilly is completely mobile now. She crawls all over the place. Thanksgiving was lots of fun having her keep joining me in the kitchen. She has even started pulling up on my leg and trying to get up the stairs (time for a gate). She has gotten into the dog food so it is now into a more secure location. That is, until she realizes she can crawl all the way down the hallway. She is also waving at people. That has been so cute. People get all giddy about it and it suprizes them too. Her word she likes to repeat over and over is "hey" and "babba." It's so much fun to have her express herself with facial expressions. We've been having a blast playing with her. She also has two teeth and man, can she ever use those two teeth. She has learned the joy of animal cookies as well. They aren't as messy as those teething biscuits at least.

I feel like this age goes so fast. I'm barely realizing one new development before she starts on another! It's hard to keep up! It's has been a lot of fun though. I can't wait to see what comes up next! :)

1 comment:

Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

YEA! I so enjoyed your update! She's so cute! I'm really proud of you too especially now that you're working and being a mommy! What are your plans for christmas this year? I'm headed home the 28th to the 1st because I have to work around Christmas...but it's okay because I need the money.

Love ya! Give your beautiful girl a hug since I can't!