Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Yes I'm 2!

I'm sorry it's been so long! Life has just been so crazy! I should be able to blog more than I have a laptop in the main living area. But we'll see... :) So Lilly continues to surprise me and frustrate me and crack me up and drive me nuts all within a span of a few minutes. She is so independent that it is hard to handle sometimes. One day she'll be perfectly fine if I put her in her car seat and then the next time I do it and she starts to cry and will climb out of the car, shut the door, open it again, climb into the car and into her carseat all by herself. It's very time consuming and can be quite frustrating. She does not bend on anything that she puts her mind too. She is very confident too. I know that these things will hopefully be good characteristics later in life but man right now I just wish she would let Mommy and Daddy help her a little bit!
Right now Lilly is off with Grandma. Every Tuesday or Wednesday is "Grandma Day." My mom has been living with us for the past month or so and Lilly has loved every minute of it! You would  think Grandma is better than any piece of candy...well actually to Lilly she is. Lilly has gone hiking and to the park and today she is going to the desert museum (a wildlife zoo). 

Well, there has been a ton going on so I'll just leave you with some pictures to explain the rest. Enjoy!
While in MO Lilly and Vance got their pictures taken together. Arent they adorable?!
All ready for church, just waiting to leave...
I took the daycare to a trip to the zoo. We had a blast and saw a lot of active animals.
Lilly was Tinkerbell for Halloween. She loves Tinkerbell right now. Daddy was Hook and I was Wendy. Every time we see a picture of Tink Lilly yells "Tinkerbell!!" and wants to go and look at whatever it is.

While we were in MO Lilly got to visit Great Grandma Betty. She loved playing with her cousin Vance and brushing Aunt Penny's hair.
 While in MO we went to a very neat pumpkin patch and picked pumpkins. Lilly had more fun playing with the kittens than she did getting a pumpkin.
The looks I get already...isn't she too little for those?!                                                                                                 At least they turn into this. :)


The Handyman and the Foreman said...

What do you mean by "active animals"?

Melanie said...


Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

Oh man! I'm so glad you posted! She's so big and grown up and beautiful!!!!! I can't believe she's

So you're mom is in AZ now? What are you trying to move the whole world there? :) love you!

Anonymous said...

sweet, ornery, lovable, fiercely independent, huggable, 'bossy', affectionate; all these in one, that's our Lilly Mae!