Hello everyone! Im so bad at keeping this thing updated. To explain a little my main computer is now called a Dell mini which has 9 inch monitor so blogger makes it quite difficult for me to manage posting pictures. But I have a feeling I might be blogging a little more because... WE ARE EXPECTING AGAIN!!! We are very excited- all 3 of us. I am due March 1st so Im not very far along but I want to announce it anyway. :) Lilly is very very excited and cant stop talking about babies in bellies. She has already been talking to my belly and patting it and kissing it. The other morning she said that the baby isnt mean it's nice. She has no clue what that means for her but Im trying to help her realize.
A cute story- when she first started talking about babies she told Papa (Logan's dad) that he had a baby in his belly. He laughed and went right along with it. So for several days she kept announcing it to everyone that Papa had a baby in his belly. Finally I explained that no, Papa doesnt because only girls can have babies in their bellies. I wasnt sure she understood but the next day she came to me and said she had a baby in her belly. And I said noooo you cant have a baby in your belly and she then replied but I'm a girl! So then I told her that well you have to be old and married to have a baby. So she thought about that for awhile and then tells me Ok, in two years I'll marry grandma and get a baby in my belly. OH! My poor confused and cute daughter.
So the weekend before I took a test and confirmed I was pregnant Lilly kept telling me I had a baby in my belly. Logan and I have been trying for a little while with nothing happening so I just shrugged it off and laughed. Little did I know that she was right! Well when I told her that yes I did have one in my belly she looked at me with wide eyes and patted me and then said not one baby but two babies! Hah Hah Hah Lilly. You are sooooo funny! :)
I saw something on Facebook that made me wonder...but then my internet quit (surprisingly for the first time since I got to Bolivia!). But CONGRATS!!!!! I´m so excited for you guys - and especially for Lilly! And I love that she called it before you even knew!
Love you!
Denise :)
So happy for both of you. Congratulations.
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