We've been keeping track of all the many milestones for a baby. Some milestones Lilly has met are lifting her head up at least 90 degrees and then moving it from side to side, cooing and gooing, giggles, finding out her hands. Now that last one has been the most fun so far. Sometime last week we noticed her staring at her hands with so much concentration she went cross eyed. Then came the realization that this new (new to her anyway) object attatched to her her body could be stuck in her mouth. So now all day long we hear "Slurp slurp slurp" as she sucks on her ENTIRE hand. What I want to know is at what age does your hand become to big to stick into your mouth? I mean I just tried and there is no way I could ever fit my entire hand in my mouth. Come on, try it, I know you want to.
Something I've come to realize that even though there are publicized milestones for babies, there should also be publicized milestones for moms. Here are just some milestones for the mommy: getting more than 4-5 hours of sleep a night, learning how to succesfully breastfeed, not feeling like a cow when pumping, taking daily showers, and breastfeeding in public. I will have to say that as of last night I have met all those milestones. I recently joined a mothers group and until meeting with those moms I didn't realize how much I had avoided breastfeeding Lilly in public! I always had a pumped bottle on hand-just in case. Well, seeing all these other women able to feed their babies discreetly and easily made me want to get out there and just do it. So last night Logan and I walked around the mall and although I could have easily gone home and fed her when it was time, I sat down in Barnes and Noble and successfully fed my little girl! I was so proud of myself.

I know that there is a lot of debate on breastfeeding in public but all I know is that sometimes we moms just got to do what we got to do. And for me, feeding her in public is what I need to do sometimes even if I get wierd looks or funny glances. :)
1 comment:
LOL! I have to tell you a hilarious story from my Guatemala mission trip in '04. We had a group of teenagers helping us and we were doing door to door ministry...and this one teenage boy that was probably 16 knocked on a woman's door and she came to the door topless feeding her baby! She didn't even coverf up at all! He was still blushing HOURS later!!! - Denise
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