Thursday, July 13, 2006


Yesterday was a running errands day. I think Lilly missed out on lots of snuggling. I believe she is used to being held a lot and when I spend half the day running around she doesn't get all of that. So she's making up for it today. She loves sleeping in my lap. She snuggles up with the pillow and her eyes get droopy and she just automatically goes to sleep. I finally was able to reach for the camera so I can take a picture because she really looks so sweet sleeping on me right now.

I was able to make out the word Gooo and Ahhh today. We have daily conversations and I believe she is telling me all kind of things. And I think in her mind she understands what I'm saying too. I believe this because when I say "I love you" her face lights up and a lot of the time she smiles. I still think her first word is going to be blessu because I say "Bless you" everytime she sneezes and that's a lot. Daddy tries to get her to say "dada" and I keep trying for her to say "mama" but she just stares at our mouths and thinks it's all funny.

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