Sunday, July 23, 2006

Splish! Splash! I'm takin a bath!

It's Sunday afternoon and like most people on Sunday afternoons, this is what we did:

Yes, we do realize we were lazy but it was so nice to relax, all of our tummies full, and just sleeeeeep.

Ok, I know that Lilly is probably supposed to have a bath almost every night, or at least eary other night. But I will have to admit that although Lilly gets her diaper changed pretty much every time it's dirty, she never goes more than three hours without getting fed, and she gets to be held a total of probably 8-10 hours a day, we parents slack off on the whole bath time. I'm not even sure why. She likes bath time and it's not all that hard to do or all that time consuming. But nonetheless, Lilly probably gets a bath about once a week. We do probably wash her face daily. So, I have made Logan promise me that starting in August Lilly is going to get a bath everyday. Even if that means she gets a bath right after supper instead of right before bed, that's what we're going to do. We promise! With that said, Lilly got her bath tonight and it was lots of fun!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Lilly is no longer able to really fit into the sink. :( She's become to long and we will probably move her to the bath tub.

Also, Daddy is a VERY good bath giver. I will have to say that he is better than I am and give him props. Way to go Daddy!

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